Social Media Publishing FAQ's

When someone follows/likes/friends/etc you on social media, posts that are published in your account will show up when they look at their account. Each social media platform has a different name for it. For Facebook your posts shows up in the followers news feed... in LinkedIn it is called the updated feed. Not every post you publish will show up in your followers accounts, but some will and the more they like/comment on your posts the more often your posts will show up in their account.

We publish to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Yes, we are more than happy to setup up social media account(s) for you company. Just let us know what platforms you want to publish to and we will make it happen!

Yes, you can switch your subscription at any time. Just give us a call or email and we will make it happen.

We recommend that you send out an email blast to your client base offering a $50 discount (or free setup) on orders over $500 if they follow/friend/connect with you. Putting a time frame around this offer is a good call to action such as “Follow us on Facebook in the month of March and we will give you a $50 discount on your next order of $500 or more placed by the end of June”. Who does not want to save money? Not only will you gain followers, but may also receive an order that might not otherwise come your way.

A second way to build up your social media following is to put at the bottom of your signature in emails the words or logos of Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and/or Twitter. For example, you can say “Follow us on LinkedIn”. Have hyperlinks so when the word or logo is clicked it will open your social media account. This makes it easy to follow/like/friend your account.

On your website have the social channels on the header or footer of each page just like the your email signature making it very easy for people to follow you.

The founder of Promo Social Post started as a distributor over 18 years ago just like you. We know the promotional industry like the back of our hand which enables us to publish timely, relevant posts. Other services know the social media business, but are not experts in our industry. With all things being equal, would you rather go with an experienced industry veteran or an “outsider”?

Of course all things are not equal. We only charge $50/month to publish to all 4 social media platforms while other services charge $100-$250/month. Even though they charge significantly higher rates, most of them only post one to two times per week while we post three times per week.

Our integration with the industries most popular search engines is second to none. Every post has "Shop At" link which opens your website to the product being advertised. Other services either open your website to your home page or a generic landing page that they made for your company which requires another click to finally get to your website. When publishing to social media there are two goals: 1) keep your company top of mind and 2) direct people to your website showing the info about the advertised product.

If you have made the choice to outsource your social media management, we believe the choice is an easy one to make.

There are several reasons including: more frequent posts, significantly lower price point, the ability to cancel any time with 15 days written notice rather than be locked into a yearly plan (applies only to monthly subscriptions) and our founder has been in the promotional industry since 2004 (not a random marketing agency that decided to focus on the promo business).

Unless you request otherwise, every post will have your company's web address in the text of the post. All social media platforms, except Instagram, allows you to click on the link to open your website. Instagram does not enable this feature no matter who publishes the post, but you can copy/paste the web address.

The link will either take you to the advertised item in the post or your website home page. Most distributors use a third party service to run their search engine. We currently are able to integrate with the following websites: ASI, Distributor Central, and Sage. If you use one of these search engines then 95%-99% of the time the link will open up directly to the advertised product, otherwise it will open your home page.

We realize that there are many buying groups out there like AIM, iPromoteU, PromoEQP, Universal Unilink, etc. You will receive EQP pricing from all of the suppliers participating in our program. There is a good chance the suppliers participating in our program are in your buying group already, but some may not be. Feel free to continue getting your preferred pricing through your buying group or you may get it through our program using code “PSPEQP” on your PO's.

When you sign up for the annual plan, you will be billed upfront for the full year and your subscription will be automatically renewed on the annual anniversary date unless you cancel it. For the monthly subscription, your subscription will automatically be renewed on the monthly anniversary date unless you cancel it.

We hate to see you go, but of course you can cancel your service with 15 days written notice. Simply send an email to with “Cancel my subscription” in the subject line. If your cancellation email is sent less than 15 days before your next payment, that payment will be processed. All payments scheduled after 15 days from the date of the email will be canceled. Posts will continue to be published to your account(s) for the duration that you have paid for and then stop.

As previously mentioned, you can cancel your subscription at any time with 15 days written notice. The next scheduled payment outside of the 15 day period will be canceled, but you will not receive a pro-rated refund. You received a discount for the yearly service because you committed to the service for a full year. If you are not confident that you want the service for an entire year, we recommend you to sign up for the monthly plan. You can always change to the yearly plan down the road once your are satisfied with our service.
Although the email will come from our system, the emails will have your name and email address in the "From" field at the top. For example, it will come from "Mary Jones ". The liklihood of email being read by recipients increases greatly when they are coming from a person/company that they know.

The newsletter will be sent the first Tuesday of every month and the Product Blast is sent the third Tuesday of every month. If the scheduled date of the campaign lands on a holiday, then it will be sent the next business day.

Most clients want the ability to quickly scan an email and decide if it is something they want to read. If an a email looks long, they will likely skip it. By having the email in an executive summary format, it provides your clients all of the relevant facts to educate them quickly.

Videos are large files that cannot be sent by email. When the user clicks on the play button, they will be redirected to the video on Promo Social Post's YouTube channel. If a client decides to explore the channel further, they will only see more educational videos. There are no links or references to suppliers.

We integrate with your ActiveCampaign account to send out the email campaigns. Within ActiveCampaign, you can view the statistics for the campaign such as number of opens and clicks broken down by recipient email address. Opens means the recipient opened the email to look at it while clicks mean they clicked on one of the links within the email. If a particular recipient has opened or clicked on the email many times, it is an indicator that there is something within it that they are interested in. At this point it is recommended to contact them directly. It is now a warm lead!

If you do not alreay have an ActiveCampaign account, we will set it up for you. While ActiveCampaign does have a monthly charge for their services, we pay this on your behalf... it is included in the fees you pay us.

We have a document that walks you through the process on how to do the basics within ActiveCampaign such as importing contacts and reviewing the statistics on a campaigns success.

Unless you request otherwise, every post will have your company's web address in the text of the post. All social media platforms, except Instagram, allows you to click on the link to open your website. Instagram does not enable this feature no matter who publishes the post, but you can copy/paste the web address.

The link will either take you to the advertised item in the post or your website home page. Most distributors use a third party service to run their search engine. We currently are able to integrate with the following websites: ASI, Distributor Central, and Sage. If you use one of these search engines then 95%-99% of the time the link will open up directly to the advertised product, otherwise it will open your home page.

It is important to only add current customers, prospects and business contacts who you have a current business relationship with. What is defined as a current business relationship is vague. Everyone agrees it is a contact who you have communicated within the past year, while some feel this is extended to two years. Having a "clean" contact list is very important.

We have created a sign-up form for you and sent you the URL address to it. You should use the link in your website and your email signature. IWe recommend having a phrase such as "Click HERE to join our mailing list to receive promotional discounts, news, and featured products.

To unsubscribe from the email list, there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email to click.

As long as you have an ASI, Distributor Central, or Sage webiste, then your website will open to the featured product. Otherwise, you home page will open.

Right now we do not offer the service of sending out custom email campaigns, but remember that we leverage your ActiveCampaign account. You are always welcome to send out campaigns on your own as well.

Yes, you can switch your subscription at any time. Just give us a call/email and we will make it happen.

The founder of Promo Social Post started as a distributor in 2004. We know the promotional industry like the back of our hand, which enables us to publish relevant emails. Other services know the email business, but are not experts in our industry. With all things being equal, would you rather go with an experienced industry veteran or an “outsider”?

With our service you may choose to sign up on a monthly or yearly subscription. If you are not sure you want to commit to a full year then we recommend signing up for the monthly plan... you can always switch to the yearly plan at any time for the extra cost savings. Most other services force you to sign up for a year and you are stuck with it even if for some reason you decide you want to stop.

Of course all things are not equal. Our prices start at $50/month for 500 contacts. Other services charge well over $100-250/month for 500 contacts. If you have made the choice to outsource your email campaigns, we believe the choice is an easy one to make.

There are several reasons including: significantly lower price point, the ability to cancel any time with 15 days written notice rather than be locked into a yearly plan (applies only to monthly subscriptions) and our founder starting off in the promo industry as a distributor in 2004 (not a random marketing agency that decided to focus on the promo business).

We realize that there are many buying groups out there like AIM, HALO, iPromoteU, PromoEQP, Universal Unilink, etc. You will receive EQP pricing from all of the suppliers participating in our program. Most likely, the suppliers participating in our program are in your buying group already, but perhaps a few may not. Feel free to continue getting your preferred pricing through your buying group or you may get it through our program using code “PSPEQP” on your PO's.

When you sign up for the annual plan you will be billed upfront for the full year and your subscription will be automatically renewed on the annual anniversary date unless you cancel it. For the monthly subscription, your subscription will automatically be renewed on the monthly anniversary date unless you cancel it.

We hate to see you go, but of course you can cancel your service with 15 days written notice. Simply send an email to with “Cancel my subscription” in the subject line. If your cancellation email is sent less than 15 days before your next payment, that payment will be processed. All payments scheduled after 15 days from the date of the email will be canceled. The email campaigns will continue to sent for the duration that you have paid for and then stop.

As previously mentioned, you can cancel your subscription at any time with 15 days written notice. The next scheduled payment outside of the 15 day period will be canceled, but you will not receive a pro-rated refund. You received a discount for the yearly service because you committed to the service for a full year. If you are not confident that you want the service for an entire year we recommend you to sign up for the monthly plan. You can always change to the yearly plan down the road once your are satisfied with our service.